There are many companies that attempt to get homeowners to pay them to negotiate a loan modification.  While there are well intentioned honest people out doing this many of them are scams.  In Lorain County, the Lorain County Urban League has been HUD approved and funded to assist in Foreclosure Avoidance.  Also they are the conduit for accessing the Ohio Hardest Hit Funds which can get you current if you can make your current payment.

If you are behind on your payments but not in foreclosure contact them immediately. The Urban Leagues website is

Zachary B. Simonoff, is an attorney and litigates foreclosure lawsuits.  Filling out loss modification packets and negotiating loan modifications is part of attempting to settle a Foreclosure Lawsuit.  Be aware Zachary B. Simonoff make no promises as to whether he can get your loan modified only that he will litigate the lawsuit.